Seminars & Workshops

Feb. 28, 2024

Comprehensive seminar on Research Methodology

The PG Department of Chemistry at WIRAS organized a comprehensive seminar on research methodology, aimed at enhancing the research skills of postgraduate students. The event took place on February 27, 2024, and saw enthusiastic participation from 29 students across various postgraduate programs.             
 Sruthi Sudhakar, a distinguished PhD research scholar from NACB Lab, IIT Bombay, served as the resource person for the seminar. She delivered an insightful presentation on research methodology, catering to the diverse academic backgrounds of the attendees. Despite the complexity of the subject matter, Ms. Sudhakar adeptly presented the topic in a generic manner, ensuring accessibility for all participants.    
 The seminar concluded with an interactive session where attendees had the opportunity to engage with Ms. Sudhakar directly. Numerous questions and queries were posed by the enthusiastic participants, reflecting their keen interest in the subject matter